Friday, 4 January 2013

Day 4:Genesis 14:1-18:33

Alright I didnt write yesterday because I was quite sick, and had read more the day before so I thought it would be ok. So these were my thoughts on today's readings.

"I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward"

How great a thing to be told! I often dwell upon the fact that the Lord is my armour. But he is also sword and shield, and all that protects me. I like this passage because it says directly that not only is He our great reward, but he exceeds it. Doesnt it make sense that a God who is so great beyond our comprehension would also then exceed the greatest ideals we have surrounding a reward? I, and we, must remind ourselves of this everyday. He is not only our greatest gift, and reward, but he will exceed all expectations we have.

The rest of what I read today was the blessing of Abram who became Abraham and his wife Sarai who became Sarah. When the Lord tells Sarah she will have a son, she laughs and does not believe it because she is old and so is Abraham. Also because she is "past the time of women" as it says, which I believe is to say that she is no longer menstruating. I read this, and am saddened that Sarah laughs at Him, and is so unbelieving of his power, but it causes me to stop and think too. How many of us would respond in the same way? If i were 99 and told I would have a healthy son even though I was no longer menstruating and had previously been barren would I simply be able to take that at face value and say ok, i will? I dont think so. But I want to get to that point.

 It is one thing to believe that the Lord can perform miracles, do anything. But another to believe it when it pertains to your own life, to your own struggles. So what is it that you dont believe our Father can do for you today? I ask that you trust in Him and you lay that problem at His feet, because believe me He can. If he can do all the miracles of the bible, and give Sarah a son, do you not think he can deal with your problems too? I do. So tonight I lay mine at his feet. I will not laugh in His face, for I wouldnt want Him to laugh in mine when I seek entrance to His eternal kingdom.




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